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How to use your Incense Burner and Cones


A ) Light the tip of the incense cone. Gently extinguish the flame by blowing or fanning. Your cone should glow red and give off a delicate wisp of pale fragrant smoke indicating that it is slowly burning.

B) Place on/in a cone burner with point facing up and watch the cascade effect.

C) When finish, the incense may still be hot, DO NOT USE YOUR FINGERS, use a pin or tongs.

D) Occasionally the mist channel might be blocked, please use a pin to clear it.



  • Keep away from children's reach.
  • Burn incense in a ventilated area.

  • Once Incense Cone is lit, do not touch it (if you need to do so, use tongs)

  • Keep both lit and unlit incense out of the reach of small children and pets.

  • If you’re asthmatic or have other respiratory issues then you should avoid burning incense.

  • If you’re pregnant, you should talk to your doctor before burning incense.

  • Use it with care and at your own risk

Note: If you have any sensitivity to incense, do not use it.

Incense Cones are composed of hard wood compressed (bamboo and sawdust) combined with essential oils. All components are natural materials.

Should you have any questions, we are here to help: 


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