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6 or 12 Pure & Natural Essential Oil Set
6 or 12 Pure & Natural Essential Oil Set
6 or 12 Pure & Natural Essential Oil Set
6 or 12 Pure & Natural Essential Oil Set
6 or 12 Pure & Natural Essential Oil Set
6 or 12 Pure & Natural Essential Oil Set
6 or 12 Pure & Natural Essential Oil Set
6 or 12 Pure & Natural Essential Oil Set
6 or 12 Pure & Natural Essential Oil Set
6 or 12 Pure & Natural Essential Oil Set
6 or 12 Pure & Natural Essential Oil Set

6 or 12 Pure & Natural Essential Oil Set

Regular price $47.00

Please choose  6  or 12 Bottle 10ML Essential Oil



100% Pure 10ml Essential Aromatherapy oils

No Additive, No Fillers, just pure Essential Oil. Unwavering commitment to the highest quality products

Perfect Essential Oils set for Aromatherapy oils,Oil for diffusers,Humidifier oils,Oil Burners,Spa and Air Purifier

Each essential oil comes with 10ml amber brown bottles. This will keep the oils fresh and help against light degradation

Benefits of diffusing essential oils:

1.Clears the air of dust and bacteria

2.Opens the airways

3.Affects mood

4.Absorbed easily by the body

How Best To Use These Oils:

There are many, many ways to use our Essential Oils, here are just a few...

Oil Burners - One of the most popular ways is using them with an oil burner. Adding a few drops to your oil burner will create a lasting beautiful aroma, you can also mix oils to create your own smell.

Bath - Adding a few drops of our oils to your bath creates a heavenly, natural and pure aroma, and is proven to be a highly effective way get the most our of essential oils.

Massage - Our oils are strong, so please do not use them directly on your skin. Adding a few drops to a carrier oils (such as Grapeseed oil), and then massaging it on to your forehead, palms, neck, back, feet or other affected areas work wonders.

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